

 Endometriosis Letter 28_1_20210305_Endo_04.pdf 43.67kB. Acrobat PDF icon

 What Your Doctor Might Not Tell You About ... http://www.willim1.com/28_2_20210305_WYDMNTAM_Endo_01.pdf 35.72kb. Acrobat PDF icon

The letter was written after seeing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56287913 where the doctors were advising the young ladies to get pregnant to improve their endometriosos.

John Lee MD had some success in lessening the effects of endometriosos.

Lara Briden regularly publishes notes regarding endometriosis and has had success in improving endomeriosis cases.

The “English-NPIS-Handbook-2010.pdf ,NPIS, Natural Progesterone Information Service, can be downloaded from their home page at times, https://npis.info/.

If not available on the NPIS site it is available on this site on page 09 i.e. http://www.willim1.com/09_links_02.php.

Cialis, Premarin, Tamoxifen were most definitely NOT recommended by John R Lee MD.

When such products are mentioned in such circumstances I think those efforts attempting to discredit John Lee MD and progesterone are at work.

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