310 Z Names - Y

There are quite a few Scottish names with “Z” in them.

Unfortunately I no longer, 2022, have the book or recall the name of it, I think it was from the late 1800's.

In the book I found out that it was categorically stated as being a typographical error that at sometime “Z” was mistakenly used instead of “Y” in some names.

These are a small sample :-

Current . . Should Be . . . Comment

Benzie . . . . Benyie . . . . . . Benny
Culzean . . . . Culyean . . . . -
Dalziel . . . . . Dalyiel . . . . . as in Tam Day-yell Labour Politician

Gilzean . . . . Gilyean . . . . . ?
Menzies . . . . Menyies . . . . ?
MacKenzie . . MacKenyie . . Son of Kenny

The following is an update July, 2024 with information from on-line rather than finding the book from many years ago.

https://www.gaelicmatters.com/scottish-gaelic-alphabet.html Scottish Alphabet only 18 letters in alphabet.

hhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yogh Wiki discussion of the letter "yogh".

There many more name examples of place and personal names on the wiki page.

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